I have tried to do it as simple as I can without any javas and shockwaves to make it a "problem free" homepage for the viewers. And I think that many people has gone nuts about those pages on the internet with zillions of animation squeezed into a page.

You have some text above there it stands about me, photo's and a question mark. To get where you want you have to press it with the mouse.

Then on the photo section you just have to click the image to enlarge the picture.

And to get to the first page you need to click on the button left-top

If you have any problems or just want me to change something just send in an E-mail to me @ [email protected] or send it to Isabelle @ [email protected]

And by the way there are going to be more changes like removing colours, fixing some compatibility etc etc just that i have to have more time :) Lots of love from Snookie.